The People Most Upset By Justin Bieber's Leaked Photos

Bieber's on-again, off-again, on-again, we-don't-know-what-anymore squeeze Selena Gomez is probably blushing now that her former fling's privates are public. There's been no end to the media coverage documenting the trials and tribulations of Selenin. (Or Justlena? Or Biebmez? Or Gomber? Let's go with Gomber.) As a result of their relationship's inability to disappear from the Internet's collective unconscious, we can't have a conversation of Justin's nethers without thinking about how this affects Ms. Gomez, too. Worst of all, Gomez's new album, Revival, came out on October 8—literally hours after Bieber made his unintentional nude online debut. There's no way she isn't feeling overshadowed by something so, er, small.
