Earlier this month, singer and actor, Tyrese, took to social media to put his ex-girlfriend on blast. The entertainer began dating 25-year-old model and influencer, Zelie Timothy, after divorcing his wife, Samantha Gibson in 2020. Things between him and Zelie seemed to be going well until Tyrese posted a lengthy caption accusing her of being a "manipulator" and "snake."
In response to his allegations, Zelie decided to take the more mature route. "After all this," she wrote on social media, "you've made me know that hell is just earth without you... I want you to know how much I miss you and what you mean to me. I love you."
While her words were sweet, they didn't seem to win Tyrese over. Earlier today, the "Sweet Lady" singer threw shots at her again. While promoting his upcoming album, Beautiful Pain, he explained a lesson that he's learned over the years. "43 year olds shouldn't try and connect to or relate to 25 year olds," he wrote.
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He compared the age difference to oil and water, saying that the two just don't mix. Admitting to his faults, he added, "I guess I'm really out here GROWN GROWN and tryna keep up with these youngsters is not my life of my world." He continued by stating that he never wants Zelie to enter his life again.
"I am very clear about what we had and how the magic of our moment has came and went," he said referencing their relationship. To conclude his message, he assured his 16 million followers that he will get married again one day.